castelletto d'erro
Castelletto d'Erro is a small village about a 40-minute walk from Poggio Maria. More and more investments have been made in recent years. For example, the Scati family (of Hotel Villa Scati in Melazzo) has renovated two houses to rent to tourists. The local 'sleeping' restaurant will have a new owner in 2024. This is in a central location with beautiful views so we can't wait!
There are also festivities in the village: Sunday 21 and Monday 22 July the feast of Santa Anna takes place, she is the patron saint of Castelletto d'Erro. The served food will be, of course, all local. The festival will be announced in due course via posters in and around the village. The location is the village's banquet hall, the Pro Loco.
Farm Minerva Agrobio
In the middle of the village of Castelletto d'Erro you will find Alessio and Federica's goat farm. They have had their business here since 2015. They have alpine goats from whose milk they make delicious robiola cheeses, cashmere goats from which they make wool and color it using age-old techniques. They also train goats for tracking and you can actually go out with goats. You can visit their farm and taste and buy their products. They also give textile workshops and hold treks with goats and donkeys. Check out their site (only in Italian) and Instagram. You will find the farm at Via Roma 4.